Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Some last minute news: (original post Oct.17.06)

1) The White Rock Arts Council new gallery space is behind schedule, which means that the sale will go on for a bit longer 1- 2 more weeks… ouch!
1a) As to date, they have not been able to accommodate me ... Unfortunately the Gallery Manager is longer with the Council - some Board members have "suddenly" taken her place - I am not sure the needs of the artists/members are truly understood!
It appears that we don't have the same priorities... I am planning to attend their next meeting.

2) I will be most likely participating in the Surrey Arts Council Christmas Craft Fair - a juried affair - due to space. I'll have to come around with my wares in November. Hmm? This will be a first for me! Of course, always hoping for the best. :)
2a) I don't think, given the time it takes to get there - no so much the distance - that I am going to be participating, at least not this year!


krystyna said...

Great news!
Good luck!
Many blessings to you!!!!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Good day to you dearest Krystyna!
Yes, good news indeed.

Love and blessings

Plus Ultra said...

I wish you success in whatever you put your hands on, I pray you prosper in all things

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

A heartfelt Thank You, dear Kianseng.

krystyna said...

Hi Angel!
I'm giving you my wish and pray as Plus Ultra!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

You are sooo kind Krystyna.
A million thanks and blessings to you